The Potter's House Christian Church Hornsby is part of a worldwide fellowship of Pentecostal churches that started out as a small church movement in the '70s and has gone on to shake the nations...
Our fellowship began in the early 1970s, when a small church called the Potter's House in Prescott, Arizona, began to see an influx of hippies and young people from the wrong side of the tracks give their lives to Christ and turn their lives around.

The people were excited and hungry for God. The pastor of the church, Wayman Mitchell (left), began to train these young people for ministry within the church setting, emphasizing character, Bible teaching, Biblical standards and discipleship, then planting them out to begin new churches in towns across the US.
The Gospel movement spread like wildfire. In the early 80s they sent a couple overseas to pioneer a new church in Perth, Western Australia. Today that church numbers in the hundreds and is planting new works nationally and internationally.

There are currently around 3500 Potter’s House Fellowship churches around the world, including more than a hundred across Australia...